How to Show Delivery Date and Time in Order Confirmation Email?

Add Delivery Date Information into Order Confirmation Email

To show the selected order delivery date in the order confirmation email, please follow the below steps.

  1. Email template file path: Login into Admin panel.
  2. Click on this link “Order Confirmation Email Template”.
  3. Insert below code where you want to show order Additional Detail at this position in the file and save it.
  4. And also insert the below code into all related email templates in which you want to send Order Delivery Date details

{% for attribute in attributes %}
{% assign attributecheck = attribute | last %}
{% if attributecheck != "" %}
{{ attribute | first | replace: '-', ' ' | replace: '_', ' ' | capitalize }} : {{ attribute | last | capitalize }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

→ For a quick view of all the above steps, please check the below image.
