Disable delivery time

If you want to show only the delivery date picker and don’t want to show the delivery time picker on the website while using our Stellar Delivery Date & Pickup app, you can easily disable the delivery time by disabling the time option in the settings.
Please check the below steps to disable the delivery time.

  1. Go to the Settings menu
  2. Click on the Shipping from the dropdown, scroll down to the Time Settings section
  3. Turn off the Time settings

Disable time – Shipping

Disable time - Shipping

Disable time – Product calendar

Disable time slots to all products together using the Global settings

Disable time - global - PC

Disable time slots for the individual product settings

Disable time - global - PC

Disable time – Store Pickup

Disable time - Store pickup

Disable time – Local Delivery

Disable time - Local delivery

To read the complete guide on Stellar Delivery Date & Pickup click here.