How Can I Add Free Shipping Rules to Progress Bar?

How you can set a rule for a free shipping discount?

➝ You can setup a country condition in the Progress Bar widget. In conditions, you can include or exclude country in which you want to show or hide the discount bar.

➝ You can set a Free Shipping discount by using our Discount Widget and set rules to that widget so when a customer meets the rules set, they can see that widget visible and can apply that discount from the cart drawer.

Setup a discount widget for free shipping based on the location:

→ Add a discount widget to the card drawer.
→ Setup the discount text as per your convenience to show in the cart drawer.
→ Select Free Shipping from discount type to offer free shipping.
→ Set cart amount when should free shipping applies.
→ The discount name adds below to the subtotal amount after applying free shipping.
→ Discount success message.
→ Discount error message.

Navigate to the Rules option after doing the general settings of the discount widget to set rules.

→ Select user location from the parameter option.
→ Select country is from the condition option
→ Enter/Select the country name in which you want to give free shipping

Please view the below video for the detailed setup of Free Shipping using the discount widget: