Volume Offer

In this document, I will explain how to create a volume discount type. Here are the steps:

Set offer name, priority, and Type

Offer Name: Set an offer name so that you can identify the offer you created for.
Priority: Assign a priority level to the offer. Discounts will be applied based on the priority you set. It won’t allow you to create duplicate priority.
Offer Type: If you’ve previously created a Volume discount offer during the onboarding process, the offer type will be set accordingly by default. This setting will be disabled and you can’t change it.

Offer name - Offer Priority - Wholesale

Set discount offer

3 types of discount offer that you can set in your offer. (1) Percentage (2) Amount (3) Flat-Rate discount


You can create discount offers based on a percentage.

For example, if you want to offer a 10% discount on a purchase of 5 items, you can specify the quantity and set the discount at 10% in percentage. If you wish to provide different discounts for different quantity ranges, you can set up multiple slab.

For instance, if the product price is $100 you can set a range from 1 to 5 items with a 10% discount, and then add another range from 6 items onwards with a 20% discount. This means that when customers purchase between 1 and 5 items, a 10% discount will apply which makes the product price to $90/item and when the quantity exceeds 5, a 20% discount will be applied which makes the product price to $80/item.


You can establish a custom price for the products.

For example, if you want to set a custom price discount for a purchase of 5 items, you can specify the quantity and set the price in terms of an amount. If you wish to offer different prices for various quantity ranges, you can configure multiple slab.

For instance, lets say your product price is $100 and you set a range from 1 to 5 items with a price of $90 per items/quantity, and then add another range from 6 items onwards with a price of $80 per items/quantity. This means that when customers purchase between 1 and 5 items, a price of $90 per items/quantity will be displayed, and when the quantity exceeds 5, a price of $80 per items/quantity will be displayed respectively.

Flat-Rate discount

A Flat-Rate discount is a type of discount where a fixed amount is subtracted from the original price of a product.

For example, lets say your product price is $100 and you want to offer a $10 discount on a purchase of 5 items, you can specify the quantity and set the discount at $10 in a Flat-Rate discount. If you wish to provide different discounts for various quantity ranges, you can configure multiple slab.

For instance, lets say your product price is $100 and can set a range from 1 to 5 items with a discount of $10, and then add another range from 6 items onwards with a discount of $30. This means that when customers purchase between 1 and 5 items, a flat $10 would be deducted from product price which makes product price $90 items/quantity and when the quantity exceeds 5, a $30 discount will be applied which makes product price $70 items/quantity from product price.

Custom Text

You have the option to include specific instructions for your discount offers and add any notes that pertain to your offers.

Badge text: The “Badge Text” feature refers to the ability to display text within a badge on created offer tables. Here’s an explanation of how it works:

Badge Text Feature

→ When users create offers and display them in tables, they have the option to include a badge alongside each offer.
→ This badge can contain text that provides additional information about the offer or highlights certain aspects of it.
→ For example, the badge text could include phrases like “Limited Time Offer”, “Exclusive Deal”, “Best Seller”, “New Arrival”, or any other relevant message that helps draw attention to the offer.
→ The badge text is typically displayed prominently on the offer table, making it easy for customers to quickly identify important details about each offer.
→ Users can customize the badge text according to their marketing strategies and the nature of the offers they are promoting.
→ Including badge text can help increase the visibility and attractiveness of offers, potentially leading to higher conversion rates and customer engagement.

In summary, the Badge Text feature allows users to include descriptive or attention-grabbing text within badges on offer tables, enhancing the presentation and effectiveness of their promotions.

Save discount text: The “Save Discount Text” feature allows users to display text within offer tables that emphasizes the amount of savings customers can receive. Here’s how it works:

Save Discount Text Feature

→ When users create offers and present them in tables, they have the option to include text that highlights the savings customers can avail.
→ This text typically appears alongside each offer within the table, providing clear information about the discount amount or percentage saved.
→ Users can customize the save discount text to suit their marketing needs and to effectively communicate the value of the offer to customers.
→ Like other features, users can utilize variables within the save discount text to dynamically display relevant information, such as:
{{percentage}}: This variable represents the percentage discount applied.
{{amount}}: This variable represents the discount amount saved.
→ By incorporating these variables into the save discount text, users can ensure that the displayed savings accurately reflect the offer details.
→ Similar to the badge text feature, the save discount text serves to attract customers’ attention and encourage them to take advantage of the offered discounts.
→ Including save discount text in offer tables enhances the presentation of promotions and helps customers understand the benefits of each offer more clearly.

In summary, the Save Discount Text feature allows users to include customized text within offer tables that highlights the savings customers can enjoy, utilizing variables to dynamically represent discount details and enhance the effectiveness of promotions.

Volume Offer Slab

Add Text

Range text (Except last slab)

→ This feature allows users to input any text within a table when creating an offer.
→ For instance, if a user wants to offer a 5% discount on a specific quantity of items, or they want to display text like “Get 5% off”, they can do so within this range text field.
→ Users can include variables within the text, such as {{percentage}}, to dynamically display values. For example, if they enter “Get {{percentage}} off”, and set the percentage as 5%, it will display as “Get 5% off”.

In summary, this feature provides flexibility in customizing the text displayed within offer tables, allowing for dynamic content generation based on the specified parameters and variables.

Last range text

The “Last Range Text” feature is similar to the “Range Text” feature described earlier but with a slight difference. Here’s an explanation:

Last Range Text

→ This feature allows users to customize the text within a table for creating offers, specifically for the last slab or range of values.
→ Like the Range Text feature, users can input any text they desire.
→ However, in addition to the customizable text, users can also utilize variables to dynamically display values:

  • {{from_value}}: This variable represents the starting value of the last slab.
  • {{to_value}}: This variable represents the ending value of the last slab.
  • {{percentage}}: This variable represents the percentage discount applied.
  • {{amount}}: This variable represents the discount amount applied.

→ Users can incorporate these variables into their text to create dynamic messages based on the specific values of the last slab.
→ For example, if a user wants to display a message like “Get a discount of 10% on purchases between $100 and $200”, they can use the variables like this: “Get a {{percentage}} discount on purchases between {{from_value}} and {{to_value}}”
Apply to all products OR specific products
You have the flexibility to apply offers to either all products or specific products.

Add text - Wholesale

Apply to all products OR specific products

You have the flexibility to apply offers to either all products or specific products.

All Products

When you choose ‘All Products,’ the discount will be applied to every product.

Apply discount to all product - Wholesale Hero

Specific Products

For specific products, you can configure discounts. You can include or exclude products according to your preferences.

Discount for specific product - Wholesale

Add product with tag

By using product tags, you can streamline your discounting process, ensuring that only the tagged products are included in the volume offer.

Add product with tag - Wholesale

Select customer

When creating discount offers, you have the option to select specific customer groups to whom these discounts will apply. This way, only the chosen customers will receive the added discounts.

All Non-Login Customers

By selecting ‘All Non-Login Customers,’ all customers who have not logged in will be eligible for the discount.

Specific customer - All non-login - Wholesale

All Login Customers

If you chose logged-in users, only customers who are logged in will be able to avail of the discount.

(Customer(s) added in the company will be excluded from here.)

Specific customer - All logged in - Wholesale

Specific Customers

If you opt for ‘Specific Customers,’ you can choose particular customers who will qualify for the discount offers. In this case, not all customers will receive the discount offer. Also, you can include or exclude some selected customers for the created offer.

Offer apply to specific customer - Wholesale

Cart Value

You have the option to set a discount based on the cart’s total value. You can specify both a minimum and a maximum amount for the cart value. When a customer’s cart reaches these specified amounts, a discount will be applied.

In between value
If you set both minimum $50 and maximum $100 then, customers will be eligible for the created discount when their cart value falls between $50 and $100 only. Car value exceeding $100 would be not eligible for the offer.

Minimum value
If you only added minimum value $50 and no maximum value is set then any amount with $50 or greater would be eligible for discount.

Maximum value
If you only added maximum value $50 and no minimum value is set then any amount with $50 or less would be eligible for discount.

Can value condition - Wholesale

Widget Position

You can configure the placement of the discount widget where your offers are displayed on your website. You have the option to position it either above the ‘Add to Cart’ button or below the ‘Add to Cart’ button. Additionally, you can choose custom positions for the widget.

In the context of the feature we mentioned, you have the flexibility to choose precisely where this widget appears. Here’s how it works:

Above add to cart
Selecting this option means the widget will be positioned just above the “Add to Cart” button on the product page. This is a common choice if you want the widget to be prominently displayed to your customers, encouraging them to take a look on the custom pricing you have added for the product.

Below add to cart
Opting for this setting means the widget will be positioned just below the “Add to Cart” button on the product page. This can be useful when you want the widget to be near the “Add to Cart” button, but not as visually prominent as when it’s placed above it.

The “Custom” option provides you with the most flexibility. With this setting, you have the ability to select a specific location on the web page where you want the widget to appear. You can do this by using the ID, class, or attribute of the HTML code on your website. This allows you to place the widget in a highly customized location that aligns with your design and layout preferences.

In summary, the widget position feature enables you to decide where the widget is displayed on your web page, giving you the freedom to choose the position that best suits your design and user experience goals. Whether it’s above, below, or a custom location, this flexibility allows you to optimize how users interact with the widget.

Note on PDP (Product Details Page)

You can use this feature to display personalized messages about custom prices for specific customers directly on your Product Details Page. However, it’s important to note that this option is only available when you’ve chosen the “To specific customer” option from the “Select a customer” section while creating an offer. In essence, this feature allows you to communicate special pricing information to individual customers right on the product page.

You have the ability to include notes with customer names for specific and logged-in users. You can compose offer text and utilize the {Name_login} variable to incorporate dynamic values.