Does your app support other third-party apps that uses draft order API?

No, our app does not support other third-party apps that utilize the Draft Order API. This limitation arises from the fact that the Payment Customization API, which our app relies on, does not currently offer support for draft orders.

When considering the compatibility of our app with other third-party applications, it’s important to note that our primary focus is to provide a seamless and reliable experience within the capabilities of the Payment Customization API.

Our app relies on the Payment Customization API to offer a range of payment customization features, including the ability to hide, rename, and sort payment methods. However, at present, the Payment Customization API does not extend its support to draft orders.

While our app may not directly support draft orders, we remain dedicated to providing top-quality service and functionality within the scope of the Payment Customization API. We continuously seek opportunities to enhance our app’s capabilities, and we keep a watchful eye on updates and developments from Shopify.

We remain committed to adapting and improving our app’s capabilities to better serve your needs. We appreciate your understanding of the current limitations, and we encourage you to explore our app’s potential within the existing framework of Shopify’s payment system.