How iCart Boosts Sales By Improving Mobile Shopping Experience

The percentage of online shoppers has been increasing from mobile devices day-to-day. If you have an online store and it is not well optimized for mobile users then you are like leaving money on the table. You are missing out big on sales. However, giving the best shopping experience for mobile users can be a nightmare because of the screen size and other limitations. But in this blog, we will see how iCart boosts sales by giving the best experience for mobile users.


I don’t know how many are familiar with this app called iCart, so for those who are unfamiliar with it let me give you a short description of it. iCart Cart Drawer Cart Upsell is a Shopify app for side cart customization and conversion rate optimization.

Key features of the app

  • In cart Upsell
  • Product recommendations (cross sell)
  • Product Bundles
  • Custom HTML
  • Sticky add to cart & cart bubble – Side cart
  • Order addons – Giftwrap (Gift wrap) / warranty / custom
  • Cart countdown – urgency timer – persistent cart
  • Slide cart
  • Advanced analytics


There are many factors that affect the sales of an online store out of those let’s see a few of them and how iCart becomes a solution. I have seen a few stores lacking a sticky cart in their store. Do you know how important it is? Have you ever thought about the issue faced by customers while scrolling down the page and not finding a sticky cart?

Because it may cause more trouble if the user is a mobile user. Having a sticky cart in your store will increase user engagement and reduce bounce rates.

So in this case you can opt iCart as your companion. You can design a sticky cart just by doing drag and drop. You can customize its size, shape color, position, etc. By having a sticky cart you can reduce cart abandonment in your store also.


Another benefit of using iCart is that you can show upsells and cross-sells on your store with time-sensitive offers, product recommendations, in cart upsell, warranties, gift wrapping, the order noted, images, text & much more! You can show discounts or offers on special occasions for the customers. By showing this, you are winning the hearts of customers by offering the upgrade version of the product that they are already buying.

Whatever it may, we always need to know the result by using the app, right? Yes, no need to worry about it also because iCart comes with advanced analytics by which you can track everything in your cart like impressions, clicks (CTR), conversions (CVR), revenue generated & increase in average order value.


Most interesting thing is that after installing the app, you can use it for FREE until your store reaches 50 orders. During this period, you can see the changes or results after installing the app in your store.

To know more about the charges and how they will be applied, read from here. So why don’t you try this app in your store and give the best shopping experience for mobile customers?

To know more detail about iCart please refer to the below video tutorial.

Sajini Annie John

About the author

Meet Sajini, a seasoned technical content writer with a passion for e-commerce and expertise in Shopify. She is committed to helping online businesses to thrive through the power of well-crafted content.

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