Why am I getting an “App Is Not Compatible” Error in the app?

Encountering an “App Is Not Compatible” error can be frustrating. This article will explain why you might face this error and what you can do to address it. Our app is designed to integrate seamlessly with Shopify Advanced and Plus plans, and this guide will help you understand how compatibility plays a role in your app experience.

App compatibility error

This error message usually appears when the app you’re trying to use encounters compatibility issues with your Shopify plan. It indicates that your current Shopify plan might not support the smooth functioning of the app.

Our Rates By Zipcode iWeb app is specifically designed to work seamlessly with Shopify Advanced and Plus plans. While compatibility with other plans might be limited, our priority is to provide the best experience for users on these specific plans.

If you’re using the Rates By Zipcode iWeb app, remember that it is tailored to integrate smoothly with Shopify Advanced and Plus plans, ensuring accurate and efficient shipping rate calculations for your store. If you encounter any issues, our support team is available to assist you in resolving them.