
Doubling sales within a month has never been so easy. But we have an example who made it true with the help of our Shopify app.

Avanchy is an online Shopify store started in 2014 that sells eco-friendly baby dishes. Avanchy’s goal is to provide sustainable baby dishes to match their environmentally aware lifestyle.

But at the same time as all other ecommerce businesses they also wanted more sales, more AOV, and more revenue. So, they installed our iCart Shopify app in their store and you know what, the result was unbelievable.

They made 73% of the increase in their revenue within 30 days. Want to know how did they achieved it? Keep reading to know their success story!

Requirements of Avanchy

In the beginning, Avanchy started by making baby dishes, and later on, it expanded with many more utensils for babies.


As they were having different variants and needed to sell in bundles and recommend other items, they were looking for the best solution.

When a customer buys a product Avanchy wants to recommend another related product, show upsell items and offer special deals or discounts on the order.

Proven Solution by iCart

Initially, they were using full cart but, after installing iCart, they implemented cart drawer/slide cart in their store. And they added few widgets of iCart in their store to give more buying options for customers and get more revenue than before.

In iCart, there are several useful widgets like product upsell, progress bar, product recommendation, discount, and many more.


Let’s see one by one and see the profit earned through each widget.

Progress bar widget

They added the progress bar widget in both the cart drawer and the full cart. In the progress bar, they added exciting offers to encourage customers to buy more products and doubled revenue from it. Here are the metrics of the performance of the progress bar widget:

Impression: 2439
Revenue: 97.23%
CVR: 26.28%

Have a look at how Avanchy implemented progress bar widget in their store:


Cart items widget

Another widget called cart items were added to the side cart. This widget allows you to provide different offers with cart items. Discounts like product upsell, coupon codes and volume discounts can be shown in the cart items widget. Also, generate cart urgency which tends people to buy quickly.

Avanchy added the discount coupon code and showed upsell products which helped them to sell more and give more buying suggestions to customers at the same time. Let’s see the metrics of this widget:

Impression: 3266
Clicks: 864
Revenue: 2%
CTR: 27%

Have a look at how Avanchy implemented cart items widget in their store:


Product upsell widget

They also added the product upsell widget because they wanted to suggest relevant upsell products based on their cart item. Through upselling, extra revenue was added to their account. They gained a good ratio of amount from product upsell. 3253 impressions were gathered.

Then they added the product recommendations widget in their store and made really good revenue out of it. They started recommending related products and the customer base also increased gradually.

Through the product recommendation widget, they gained 3202 impressions, 81 clicks, and 2.53% CTR within 30 days.

Have a look at how Avanchy implemented product recommendation widget in their store:


The result

Store orders before installing iCart: 210
Store orders after installing iCart: 384
Total orders from iCart: 209
Total impressions from iCart: 3008
Revenue in 30 days: 73%

Do you want to increase the AOV and revenue of your store within 30 days just like Avanchy?

Install iCart now and grab 14 days of free trial!

Sajini Annie John

About the author

Meet Sajini, a seasoned technical content writer with a passion for e-commerce and expertise in Shopify. She is committed to helping online businesses to thrive through the power of well-crafted content.

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