Christmas Marketing Ideas: Drive Conversions From Shopify Store

Festivals bring joy to our lives, and so do the gifts! This is the time of year when people express their love with gifts. According to Statista, 57% of buyers prefer to buy gifts online in the US. For Shopify online stores, it is a golden opportunity to drive sales. In this blog, we will discuss Christmas Marketing Ideas to promote your Shopify e-commerce store and will know how Shopify upsell apps can help you earn more.

Best Christmas Marketing Ideas

Following are the Christmas ideas that you should implement in your online Shopify store:

Start Early

Thousands of brands across the US engage in marketing during the festive season. If you delay it, your brand may not get heard hence, you need to start early. Wait, starting early does not mean you should start screaming in September. Mid-November is the best time to start a shopify holiday marketing campaign.

Christmasify Your Online Store

Shopify Christmas Marketing Campaign

The way we decorate homes and shops, similarly we should decorate our e-commerce store. According to experts, Christmas decorations raise the level of dopamine — the feel-good hormone, and as a result, people feel happier. This little tweaking can affect your holiday sales greatly. To be honest, there is no direct link between ‘feeling good’ and conversion but it makes your store more humane.

We will recommend you decorate your Shopify e-commerce store in a Christmas theme by late October or early November and extend it to post-new year.

To instill Christmas spirit in your store use Santa’s hat, Candles, Christmas tree, and effects such as snow falling. Use red and green colors as much as possible. These ideas are just our suggestions, you can use creativity and come up with your own unique ideas.

Leverage Emotional Hooks

One of the effective holiday marketing strategies to connect with the audience is using emotional hooks. Brands stand apart when they employ this technique. Also, Plato once said, “Human behaviour flows from three main sources: Desire, Knowledge, and Emotion”. If you get successful in tapping their emotion, you can drive sales easily.

Besides, during the festive season, people are under societal pressure to be better than others, thus they end up spending more. To drive conversions, all you have to do is tap on this string.

Launch Christmas-Themed Marketing Strategy

Whether it is email marketing or social media, everywhere content should be Christmas-themed. It is a strategy to turn on the holiday spirit in your target audience and this is how they will start holiday shopping. Otherwise, people procrastinate.

An effective marketing strategy would be to offer irresistible discounts so your customers can’t help but end up placing an order. Again, this offer should be coupled with festival-themed content and promoted via socials and emails.

Tap Their FOMO

Shopify Christmas Marketing Strategy

Fear Of Missing Out is an effective way to drive sales and avoid abandoned carts. The fear that a product may not be available later creates urgency and does not give chance to online customers for second thoughts as a result they end up making a purchase.

This strategy works best on expensive products when coupled with a discount offer however, you can implement the same on moderately-priced products. Make sure you implement it this festive season.

Host A Christmas-Themed Contest

One way to boost engagement with your brand is to host a contest encircling the festival of Christmas. Or else ask your audience to play games by visiting your store. And, as a present, offer eGift cards, gift hampers or feature them on your socials.

Another way could be, to ask your audience to update a post relating to Christmas on social media with a particular hashtag (of your brand) and the winner will be the one who gets the maximum engagement.

Beauty Of Female Models

In an experiment, it is concluded that using the photos of female models increases the response rate by 4.5% in email marketing. Even though it was experimented with emails, you can apply the same in your web design, especially the home page.

Implement Upselling With Shopify App

Shopify Store Christmas Campaign

During the festive season, people are in a ‘state of spending’ because the festival is about celebration and there is no celebration without gifts. Thus, it is a chance for brands to up-sell and increase the AOV of their e-commerce store. In order to upsell intelligently we recommend you install Shopify upsell app – iCart.

Sell Christmas-Themed Gift Cards

Leverage the opportunity of festivals to sell more gift cards because not everybody will buy christmas gifts. Allow holiday shoppers to craft personalized gift cards with custom background images and text. Selling gift cards is an alternative way to earn revenue.

Entice existing customers by offering discounts on gift cards of higher value. This is how you can increase the revenue of your e-commerce store.

Walk An Extra Mile

People love surprises, especially during the festive seasons. When you surprise your customer by delivering something ‘extra’ (that they didn’t pay for) you stand apart from the competition. Hold on, it doesn’t mean that you should offer products at half of the market price, no, never. A small gesture will do. Here are the free gifts:

  • Special gift wrapping
  • Express delivery
  • Offering free shipping
  • Unexpected reward/cashback
  • Free add-on
  • There could be over a dozen ideas to make your customer feel good. You can come up with your own ideas, suitable to you as well as your customers.

    If you want to make your ecommerce stores mint money for you during this christmas shopping season, consider implementing these tactics as well:

  • Offer free shipping and mention the same wherever possible on your online store.
  • Use red or blue color, sitewide
  • Make headlines bigger
  • Link your blogs with the store
  • Offer reward points against a purchase
  • Use the best icons and images
  • Merry Christmas…..Profitable Christmas!

    So this is how you can leverage the holiday season to mint money out of your business. We hope after reading this blog you will implement some of the tactics discussed here for your benefit. If you are thinking of implementing any strategy and are confused about where to start, let us help you. Consider implementing iCart – upsell app. It will elevate the AOV of your online store. For information about it, visit our website.


    About the author

    Mehul is a content writer with a heart of nomad. He is currently working with Identixweb as a content writer and he is passionate about Quantum Mechanics, Christopher Nolan's movie and Traveling. His weekends are well spent with his Golden Retriever recharging him with cuddles and strolls.

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